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[QW4]≫ Libro Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold Magic Kingdom of Landover Terry Brooks 9781857232561 Books

Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold Magic Kingdom of Landover Terry Brooks 9781857232561 Books

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Download PDF Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold Magic Kingdom of Landover Terry Brooks 9781857232561 Books

Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold Magic Kingdom of Landover Terry Brooks 9781857232561 Books

I've always been a fan of the Kingdom of Landover books. I would consider them a fairly easy read, slightly predictable, but just enough magic, strange creatures, and drama to keep it interesting. The one thing I don't like about them is that all of their adventures in the sequels seem to be triggered by the loss of Ben's magic medallion. Otherwise, they are wonderful stories that always make you feel good at the end.

Read Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold Magic Kingdom of Landover Terry Brooks 9781857232561 Books

Tags : Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold (Magic Kingdom of Landover) [Terry Brooks] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Landover was a genuine magic kingdom, complete with fairy folk and wizardry, just as the advertisement had promised. But after he purchased it for a million dollars,Terry Brooks,Magic Kingdom for SaleSold (Magic Kingdom of Landover),Time Warner Books Uk,1857232569,Fantasy

Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold Magic Kingdom of Landover Terry Brooks 9781857232561 Books Reviews

although my first impressions of Terry Brooks was "Sword of Shanara" I saw a book in my uncle's house and became interested. The Magic Kingdom series(starting with this one "For Sale Sold") was the one I truly read from start to finish(ending with Princess of Landover). I have read the first leg of the journey three times over about three decades, the second trilogy, Starting with "Tangle Box" and Witcehs Brew I read more recently and Princess of Landover I read the entire book the day it was released to public on hard back and enjoyed it thourghly. however it was dealing this the daughter of the protagonist, not Ben Holiday. The first trilogy is most interesting as it deals primarily with the struggle to kingship by Ben Holiday and trials dealing with it when he does obtain his throne and his power over Landover. This first book deals with the Quest to become a king, my favorite of all the books. Black Unicorn deals with loosing what he had, but a delusion, and Wizard at Large is a mishap, not as interesting but good read. this is the first of the Landover series and was released to us in 1986 the second is equally as good, the others, were good but these first(IMO) were the best. although Tangle Tales was also very intriguing. and Witches Brew the aftermath preachy at times, but still fun. Princess of Landover ties directly to Witches brew. The entire series is very tight with continuity as most of Terry Brooks's books. This deals with consistent characters giving you the same feeling as chumming with old friends. The Shanara series does not. it deals with hundreds even thousands of year spans between books. no characters last that long. I prefer Landover but recommend also any Shanara ttile! beginning with Armageddon if you are bored with backstories I'd recommend Sword of Shanara first. for Landover read this first! A must!
I started trying to read Magic Kingdom For Sale -- SOLD! many, many years ago when I was still spending part of each summer with my grandparents. They were never big on letting us watch tv so our (my brother and our cousins and myself) only options were to either play quietly in the house, go outside and play or sit quietly and read. My grandmother would take us to the public library and let us check out library books and she would always tell us that whenever she and my grandfather took their afternoon nap, we didn't have to take a nap too if we didn't want to but we had to at least be quiet so that we didn't disturb them while they napped. This was usually when we would read the books that we'd get at the library. This particular summer, my cousin had told me about these books and said that she had liked the first one. So I checked it out at the library and she moved on to check out the second book - The Black Unicorn. We were only at our grandparent's house for about a week before we went back home and I didn't get to finish the book. So when she told me that she had finished hers, I thought it was a bit incredible and I asked her how she had read it so fast. She told me, "Well, I skipped the boring parts."

It wasn't until I started taking college classes that I decided to try reading Magic Kingdom For Sale -- SOLD! again. So once again, I checked it out at the public library. I'm doing good if I get to read a chapter a day when I read something, so it takes me a while to get through an entire book. That was the case this time too and once again, I didn't get to finish it before the book had to be returned to the library (public library, not the school library. The school's library didn't have books like this. They only had reference and educational material). I didn't want to have to keep checking it out and end up keeping it for two or three months, so I never got to finish reading it.

Then several years ago, I came across the audio book and I put it on my kindle, thinking that I might come out better listening to it with headphones while I did other things at the same time. The charger port on my kindle went out, the battery died...and once again I was not able to finish the book.

I've kept the book in the back of my mind since the first time I tried reading it when I was growing up and periodically, I would look for it in book stores or online and think about just buying it. But remembering that my cousin had told me that she had "skipped the boring parts" made me wonder if I really wanted to read more than just the first book. When I found the first three books in one volume practically for the price of a steal, I had to get it if for no other reason than to finally be able to finish the first book. I thought, "Well, if I get finished with the first one, I'll see what the next one is like since I will have it too. If I get desperate enough, I might read it anyway." I read the first book...finally. And later that night, I started on the second book. Before I knew it, I was half way through Wizard at Large and had already ordered volume two with the next two books in it. Now I am halfway through book five and awaiting the arrival of book six.

This entire series has been fantastic. I have really loved and enjoyed reading it and they will be on my list of favorites forever. I never found any "boring parts", just parts that keep you reading because you want to know what's happening and why and how these characters are ever going to get out of the seemingly impossible situations that the author writes them into. They are absolutely delightful and very much as escape to sit and read. I have actually been thinking about getting some of this author's other books that he has written. I had always heard that he was good and he is actually one of the best that I have read. I am the kind of person that if the book does not grab me at some point within the first two or three chapters (maybe the first five chapters), If it is too easy to put down, I will never finish it. These grab you from the very beginning and they keep you with them until the very end. Once you start, you WANT to read them.
I read this book as a teen and absolutely loved it. I picked it up on a whim because it was on sale and was a little nervous to see if it was as awesome as I remembered.’s not quite. Lets get the bad out of the way first. It’s pretty “tell” heavy. And Willow’s insistence upon “fate” and the fact that a pretty girl magically helped Ben heal from some of his past issues was a bit annoying.
I still had fun with it. It’s still got the whimsical, light hearted ness I remember from the first time I read it. If you go into this expecting a unique, fantastic, magic-and-worldbuilding-heavy novel with layered characters and a twisty’re going into this book with the wrong attitude. It’s just a fun little romp through a whimsical fantasy world where you can expect everything to work out for the heroes and there’s not too much heartbreak. I love heavy books, but I’m also very attached to the whimsical side of fantasy as well, a side that sometimes feels sorely neglected in anything other than MG books nowadays.
There’s a bit of objectionable content in this—a few swears and some non-explicit nudity—but nothing that kicked me out of the feeling of fun and whimsy. Don’t expect anything more than a trope-y 80s light fantasy from this, and it’s pretty close to perfect.
I've always been a fan of the Kingdom of Landover books. I would consider them a fairly easy read, slightly predictable, but just enough magic, strange creatures, and drama to keep it interesting. The one thing I don't like about them is that all of their adventures in the sequels seem to be triggered by the loss of Ben's magic medallion. Otherwise, they are wonderful stories that always make you feel good at the end.
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